My Reaction to 911
The United States is over-reacting to terror.
I remember being openly ridiculed right after 911 when I said that as a country we should do nothing in retaliation. How many times do you let a bully hit you in the face before you retaliate? Good point, but the answer should not be once.
Personally, I’m much more worried about the government curtailing individual freedom in the name of security that I am about being hit by a hijacked airplane. Oh, you’re being Orwellian. The US hasn’t really drastically reduced anyone’s freedom. Bullshit.
Let’s indefinitely detain anyone we want without proving wrong doing.
Let’s revert to 1950’s style foreign and domestic propaganda. This is no time to be kowtowing to atheistic zealots. Sure, instead we should be fostering political subordination.
We tell our children not to solve their problems through violence. Sure, it’s idealistic. But given that we are in the unique, secure position squarely on the apex of the world government hierarchy, don’t we have a moral obligation to set an example? Yes, moral. Stick that in your religious crack pipe.
How much more of a show of strength would it be to act in a civil, detached manner, allowing the very terrorists we are after the same basic freedoms we say we want to give to the world? Why not just cut the military budget, pull US armed forces and support out of contested regions where there is not 100% agreement on whether we ought to be there, and use the money to, I don’t know, rebuild our fucking economy.