My Windows box is hosed again. Nothing serious, it just needs to run chkdsk off the Windows XP cd. Unfortunately, I seemed to have misplaced my 100% legitimate copy somewhere… Damn those piracy gremlins.

In the meantime, my laptop gets some much need attention. Running PPC Linux, I noticed that since I’ve gotten behind a router, X11 remote X-terminal sessions no longer work. The same goes for my VMware linux setup, so I assumed it was an actual router issue, and not some lost setting.

Right. It turns out that X-Win32 still worked with the “proxy” setting enabled, so there was my ticket. Previously I had been using telnet, but even with my router forwaring port 6000 (Xterm defualt) to the appropriate machine, still no dice.

Ssh was the ticket. I should really be using it anyway. In addition to some airport-critical RSA encryption, it also does proxy port forwarding, and has a specific X11 command line option (ssh -X)! Yippie!

The long and short of it is this worked: router forwards port 6000 to intranet client IP.

ssh -X

You don’t even need to set DISPLAY manually.