Using pgpool2 to timeout idle Postgres connections from Django
Django has a well known issue with "<IDLE> in transaction" queries piling up. I have found that simply "<IDLE>" queries also have a tendency to hang out. This can cause problems for a high traffic site, as you can run out of open connections slots on the database side.
To see if you're affected, you can run a database query to see the status of open connections.
>select count(*), current_query from pg_stat_activity group by current_query; count | current_query -------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31 | <IDLE> in transaction 54 | <IDLE> 1 | select count(*), current_query from pg_stat_activity group by current_query; (3 rows) >SHOW max_connections; 125
In this case, you can see that 86 out of a possible 125 connections are open, and there is only one "real" query running. After a while, you might start seeing the OperationalError: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already error from Postgres, by way of Django.
Why are these connections hanging out? Maybe you're opening a transaction and not closing it. In my case, I have no idea. But I don't really care either, I just want them closed after say 90 seconds. Surprisingly, there is no configuration option in Django or Postgres for this. Instead, you have to rely on a Postgres add-on like pgpool2.
Here are my notes for installing pgpool2 on Ubuntu, fixing a bug in the Ubuntu 11.04 init script and configuring a 90 second connection timeout. In this example, I'm installing pgpool2 on the Postgres database server itself, and having pgpool2 take over post 5432, moving Postgres itself to 5431 (to make it a seamless transition as far as Django config is concerned).
apt-get install pgpool2 vim /etc/init.d/pgpool2 PIDFILE=/var/run/pgpool/ vim /etc/pgpool.conf port = 5432 connection_life_time = 90 client_idle_limit = 90 backend_hostname0 = 'localhost' backend_port0 = 5431 backend_weight0 = 1 vim /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/postgresql.conf port = 5431 /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 stop /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 start service pgpool2 restart