Buddy Build is a great tool for getting your app out to physical devices, whether that is during development, or in production. Their tool is fairly agnostic to frameworks. For example, their documentation is nearly devoid of mentions of React Native, but it’s actually quite simple to get a React Native app building.

In fact, nearly all the challenges we faced involved specific requirements, for example having multiple builds with different configurations. In the end, most of our learnings were about React Native itself. But maybe this guide will be useful to other people who are trying to not only figure out how Buddy Build works, but how React Native builds work.

Private NPM Repositories

If you have a private NPM repository, you can upload the .npmrc file using the “Secure Files” feature in Buddy Build. We ended up doing the same for gradle.properties. For the later, you need a custom post-clone script to copy the file into the correct location.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

mkdir -p ~/.gradle
cp ${BUDDYBUILD_SECURE_FILES}/gradle.properties ~/.gradle

Multiple configurations

Maybe you have a use case where you want to have multiple builds that you actually distribute to phones for testing. In our case, we wanted a staging build and a production build. Both needed to be fully self-contained, with the Javascript packaged into the app. But the URLs for the APIs they were hitting, as well as some of the API keys, needed to be different.

We ended up using react-native-config to create .env.staging and .env.production config files. In order to be able to re-use some exiting Node code, we also mapped these into the process.env space.

import Config from 'react-native-config';

const env = Config;

// this is for backwards compatibility with existing Node pattern
export default function injectEnv() {
  Object.assign(process.env, env);

Debug Builds

For iOS, React Native has two “variants”, debug and release. For Android, React Native will have gradle builds with the same names. In both cases, the primary difference is whether the Javascript code is packaged and bundled with the build, or loaded from a live packager running outside the app. Initially, we tried to separate configuration by debug/release, and were confused when debug builds deployed via Buddy Build crashed immediately. It turns out they were trying and failing to connect to a packager.

The solution is to have multiple release builds.

Multiple iOS Builds

On iOS, making a second release build is just duplicating your Release scheme in XCode. Note: the new schemes must be marked as “shared” in XCode. You also want to make sure that in the scheme definition, all the targets for Build/Run/Archive etc are set to “Release”, not “Debug”. This is what React Native uses to determine whether to package the Javascript code, or not.

You can follow the react-native-config iOS setup to get it to pick up a different .env file per scheme. We ended up using the recommended Build -> Pre-action step, which worked fine. You could probably also get our Android branch solution to work.

Multiple Android Builds

On Android, creating a second release build was more problematic. It should be possible to create additional gradle variants, but after a lot of experimentation, we could not stop those builds from crashing on physical devices. At a low level, we were never sure how React Native was choosing to bundle the package, or not. We assumed it was based on the name of the build, but we’re not sure.

What we ended up doing is changing our build script to push multiple release branches up to GitHub, one for staging and one for production. We then configured the Buddy Build project for Android to run a custom pre-build script to copy in the correct .env file based on git branch.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ "$BUDDYBUILD_BRANCH" = "production" ]
   echo "Using .env.production"
   echo "Using .env.staging"


Buddy Build SDKs

The SDKs, which enables user feedback in the app, was fantastically useful. Highly recommended!