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Django forms date field format

Django defaults dates in forms to the format "2010-01-15". But changing the default format is fairly straight-forward, though there appears to be some confu...

Finding open VNC hosts with nmap

Say you have a machine using DHCP that you only boot up once in a while. It's headless, so you need to remote into it. How can you find out what IP it has? ...

Protocol Relative URLs

If you follow YSlow rules, then you are likely separating HTTP requests for static resources (images, CSS, javascript) onto a second domain. Maybe you ev...

Letting ssh remember your passwords

If you're like me, you ssh into the same small set of machines over and over. Maybe sometimes you run commands that sit on top of ssh, like scp for file cop...

YSlow 80/20

I spent some time this week optimising a new site, specifically looking at some of the YSlow recommendations.

Quick and dirty Ajax on any FORM

I have been trying to write as much unobtrusive javascript as possibly lately. Mainly this means getting everything working without any javascript in the pi...