If you're using the Facebook JavaScript SDK to implement Facebook connect, your site may be more fragile than you think. Last weekend, I ran into an issue where an unrelated JavaScript error (the dreaded comma of death) caused IE7 users to fail trying to connect to Facebook. To make the site more robust, I decided to implement a non-JavaScript fallback.

Normally with Facebook connect, the login links have event handlers attached to them via JavaScript, such as this jQuery code.

$("#facebook-login-button").click(function () {
 FB.login(function(response) {
  if (response.session) {
   window.location = "/facebook/authenticated";
 }, { perms: "email" });
 return false;

Normally that URL has a null href, like a pound symbol. We are still going to attach the Facebook handler, but we're also going to supply a fall back href.

connect to Facebook

Generating the correct Facebook URL to redirect the user to, and handling the "code" handed back by Facebook is done in Python/Django:

import urllib
import json

def facebook_oauth_url(request, perms=None, next=None):
    return get_oauth_url(request, perms, next)

# generates the URL to put into the facebook connect login link as a non-js fallback
def get_oauth_url(request, perms=None, next=None):

    client_id = settings.FACEBOOK_TOKEN

    # there are various kinds of users that needs to authenticate via Facebook
    # each needs to be taken back to a different page, and possibly use different perms
    request.session["facebook_next"] = next
    if perms == None:
        perms = "email,publish_stream"

    redirect_uri = reverse("facebook_login", prefix=settings.SITE_URL)
    return "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=%(client_id)s&scope=%(perms)s&redirect_uri=%(redirect_uri)s" % locals()

# handles the "facebook_login" request; back from Facebook's side
def login(request):

    code = request.REQUEST.get("code")
    if code:

        access_token_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?"

        args = {}
        args["client_id"] = settings.FACEBOOK_TOKEN
        args["client_secret"] = settings.FACEBOOK_SECRET
 # facebook_login is THIS url, need to pass something in or the token will not be generated
        args["redirect_uri"] = reverse("facebook_login", prefix=settings.SITE_URL)
        args["code"] = code

        url = access_token_url + urlencode(args)
        file = urllib.urlopen(url)

            contents = file.read()

            if file.getcode() == 200:
                access_token = cgi.parse_qs(contents).get("access_token")[-1]
                return HttpResponse("Got OAuth token: " + access_token)

                response = _parse_json(contents)
                print "Facebook error code: " + response.get("error")

        except ValueError, e:
            print "Error connecting to Facebook. %s" % e

That's it! Once you have the access token, you can make your API calls. I use the Facebook GraphAPI SDK for Python.